Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Days in London!

Okay, I obviously am not good at the blogging in London thing, but truthfully I have had zero time. We got out of class early today I thought I would catch everyone up. 

July 11th: 
It was a early morning. We hopped on a train and were headed for Brighton. When we first arrived, the weather was fabulous, but sadly it got rainy and cold after about an hour. It was still really fun to walk around and see all the cute shops, and it is always wonderful to see the ocean. 

We took shelter in the bathroom from the cold wind and rain, and decided to take fun umbrella pictures. :)

July 12th:
For class we went to Getty Images and got to see there archives. AMAZING!!! They have around 70 million images they think. 
After the tour, we walked around Little Venice and took photos of all the canal boats.

And that night we went to see Wicked!!! It was so amazing!!!

July 13th: 
Happy Potter Studio. Yep. It was actually very interesting. I went with Kristyna, and we got to see all the original props, sets, costumes, etc. I was a little disappointed in their gift shop though. Besides that, I now know the history and the making of the Harry Potter films. 

One thing that was very interesting was all the statues are make from foam. Even up close they look like they are made of bronze, but it's foam. 

In the last room they had the hand painted model of the castle that they actually used for aerial views of the castle in the movies. It was breath taking.

July 14th: 
Sadly, I don't have any pictures on Saturday because it was so rainy; plus, I was feeling a little under the weather. None the less it was a great day. We went to Camden market at 9:30 and were there till 5 in the evening. This is the Camden Market website if you want to look at all the different thinks there.

July 15th:
We went to the Tower of London on Sunday. It was interesting, but not 17 pounds interesting. At least I can say I've done it. 

July 16th: 
Monday we were on a train again, and off to Salisbury. We climbed 332 steps to the top of the Salisbury Cathedral and then visited Stonehinge.

The view from the top! 

I didn't get very many images from Stonehinge. It was pouring rain and the winds decided to fight with my umbrella.... the winds won. So, I was down an umbrella and didn't want to risk my camera getting wet. 

Well that was the longest post EVER. 
Hope everyone is having a great week so far.
Tomorrow I am off the Edinburgh, Scotland, and I am so excited! 

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