Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tattoo Tuesday Idea

I finally was able to do some portraits of one of my dear friends, also I thought of a cool idea. I absolutely love Tiffany from Drops of Jupiter, and every week she does a Tattoo Tuesday post. So my idea is to do photos of tattoo Tuesday in the office, like casual Fridays. Hopefully I will be able to play around with this idea; I think it would be really fun! 
Also, I just wanted to let everyone one know that you can comment on my posts and you don't have to have a account to be able to. So comment away!!! 



  1. Is this the friend I think it is? Without naming names, this is bad ass Kaegan!

    1. Yep it is! The funny thing is that in this shot he was doing that pose because he was really frustrated me and I think it was the best one. :)

  2. Well, It is pretty awesome!

    Keep the good work (is it really work if you enjoy it) coming!
