Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Inspiration: Space Lotus

I absolutely love the images from Planet Blue's lookbook Space Lotus. LOVE!!!

It has been crazy since finials; you would think it would calm down, but I have started working a lot. This summer, I'm not sure how much of my art I will be able to do since I have will be working as much as possible to save money for London! I'm so excited! Anyways, next semester will be my Senior Exhibition, so I will be looking for inspiration everywhere. I already have a few ideas (some I have shared), but I'm just not 100% sure. So this summer I will be on a journey of inspiration. Should be fun! :)

What inspires you?


  1. Well, I know I've said it before, but if you need a fat guy for any photography or wanna try out one of my lenses or something let me know.

    I don't know if you are even taking photography again, but I thought I would offer.

    1. Photography is actually my major. I want to some how combined sculpture and photography together in all my pieces.
      How... I'm not sure.

  2. What if you figured out a way to sculpt around your subject for the photographs?

    You'll figure something out, and it will be amazing as usual!
